- Provides environment for qualification and verification-level EMC testing for spaceflight and aeronautics flight hardware as per NASA standards.
- Perform radiated emissions, radiated susceptibility, conducted emissions, and conducted susceptibility testing.
- Fully welded, shielded test chamber with two attached welded control rooms.
- Semi-anechoic test chamber with ferrite tile and pyramid absorber material.
- Test chamber meets FCC 3-meter chamber requirements for site attenuation and field uniformity.
- Test chamber shielding performance of 120 dB up to 40 GHz
- 8 ft. x 8 ft. automatic, sliding, shielded door.
- 9 m x 6 m x 5.5 m test chamber with 1.2 m x 2.4 m copper-top ground plane table for installation of equipment under test (EUT) and 2 m turntable for large EUT’s.