Electronic Systems Branch

The Electronic Systems Branch develops state-of-the-art electronic hardware for terrestrial, aeronautics, and in-space applications. Products include a wide range of systems, including real-time data acquisition systems, sensors and instrumentation, analog signal conditioning hardware, power distribution units, ground support equipment, subscale flight test beds, microprocessor and microcontroller-based data processors, experimental hardware for aerospace concepts, motor controllers, and robotic vehicles. The development work spans from very low-TRL investigatory technologies to advanced spaceflight hardware used on free-flyer satellites as well as the International Space Station. 


  • Electronic system design
  • System data flow and algorithm development
  • Digital/programmable logic design
  • Analog design for detector signal conditioning, filtering and data acquisition
  • Flight controls
  • Power systems design
  • EEE parts, packaging and manufacturing
  • Electronic fabrication and testing


  • Sensor characterization and calibration
  • Subscale test flight beds
  • Acoustic measurement systems
  • Experimental hardware for aerospace concepts
  • Control systems


  • Cable Fabrication Lab, Contact: Michael Flood
  • CAEDE, Contact: Carl Thomas
  • EEE Parts Bonded Storage Lab, Contact: John Pandolf
  • Electromagnetic Interference Lab, Contact: Arthur Bradley
  • Flight Development and Testing Lab (supporting the MEDLI-2 Project), Contact: Michael Flood
  • Flight Development and Testing Lab (supporting the SAGE IV & MEDLI 2 Projects), Contact: Michael Flood
  • Flight EEE Parts Inspection Lab, Contact: John Pandolf
  • Flight Electronic PC Fabrication Lab, Contact: Michael Flood
  • Research Development and Testing Lab (supporting TALISMAN Project), Contact: Michael Flood
  • Research Development and Testing Lab (supporting CLARREO Project), Contact: Michael Flood
  • Research Development Lab (supporting LOFTID Project), Contact: Michael Flood

Branch management

Arthur T. Bradley, Head

Yuan Chen, Assistant Head

Carl S. Mills, Assistant Head