D201- Aeronautics Systems Engineering
Provides a lead role in experimental hardware, advanced sensors and measurement systems, and unmanned aerial systems using a systems engineering approach to simulate aerospace concepts in support of the Agency’s Aeronautics, Exploration, Space Technology, and Science missions. The branch defines operational and system level requirements; and develops, integrates, and evaluates flight systems, vehicles, and payloads as a part of the development of experimental systems.
D202- Mechanical Systems

Providing mechanical engineering design and analysis in combination with system engineering and integration expertise to develop complex flight systems and ground-based research equipment from concept to flight for Exploration, Science and Aeronautics missions.
D203- Electronic Systems

Developing state-of-the-art space flight electronic systems emphasizing signal processing, data acquisition, microprocessors, control systems, robotics and data formatting through performance modeling and trade-off analysis.
D205- Atmospheric Flight & Entry Systems

Provides technical leadership to conceive, design, assess, and optimize vehicle systems for entry, descent and landing (EDL) and trans-atmospheric flight at the Earth as well as the other planetary bodies of the solar system. The branch leads the characterization of flight environments, predicts the flight mechanics necessary to generate trajectories for vehicle projects, and implements the engineering to integrate
an entire vehicle system.
D206- Structural & Thermal Systems
Providing integrated system-level structural, dynamic, and thermal analysis in support of flight, ground, and test hardware design and development for the Agency’s Human Exploration and Operations, Science, Space Technology, and Aeronautics Research Mission Directorates. Analyses range from handbook calculations to highly complex finite element modeling/analysis in environments ranging from earth and other planetary atmospheres to the vacuum of space and the transitions in between.
D207- Flight Software Systems
Developing flight and ground software for a range of center activities including spaceflight missions, aeronautical experiments, science instruments, ground systems, visualization, and modeling and simulation. The software team is involved throughout the entire software life-cycle supporting software requirements, design, code development, testing, mission operations, and maintenance. The branch utilizes mature software development processes and NASA software engineering requirements to produce reliable software.
D209- Systems Engineering & Engineering Methods
Provides life cycle systems engineering, statistical engineering and logistics management through integrated application of complex methods, processes, tools, concepts, and industry best practices to meet Agency goals and objectives. It serves as the Center’s focal point for systems engineering, statistical engineering of complex systems, and logistics. The branch also infuses a philosophy of learning and action based on statistical and systems thinking and it provides logistics and information technology expertise for the Directorate.
D210- Systems Integration & Test
Performing space hardware mechanical integration, vibration model testing, thermal-vacuum, electromagnetic interference testing, clean room operations and experiment integration and test management.
D211- Remote Sensing Branch
Conducts Lidar and solid-state laser technology development and provides analysis, advanced concepts, laser materials, component, system development, and engineering model demonstrations, to enable future laser-based remote sensing ground, airborne, and space missions of the Agency’s Science, Exploration, and Aeronautics Mission Directorates.
D212- Fabrication Technology Development

Provides a variety of fabrication technologies enabling the development of research oriented hardware for aeronautics, space exploration, and scientific programs at Langley Research Center. We develop one-of-a-kind test specimens, employing special fabrication techniques applicable to additive manufacturing, composites, plastics, polymers, and laser ablation.
D213- Metals Application Technology
Provides a variety of fabrication technologies enabling the development of research-oriented hardware for aeronautics, space exploration, and scientific programs at Langley Research Center. We develop space flight certified hardware and one-of-a-kind test articles, employing special fabrication techniques applicable to multi-axis high speed machining, electronics discharge machining, preseason machining, water jet processing, and complex metals fabrication.